Saturday, 23 August 2008
Dear future me
I realize you're a pitiful disgrace
So many fingers pointing down at you
Talking behind your back and you don't have a clue
Parading around like you think you're god
You're just a cheap imitation, a complete and total fraud
I'm sick of hearing all your bragging and your lies
A real born loser and that's no surprise
Mirror magnet, smelling like a rose
You plastic motherfucker, all you do is pose
Conceited, self-righteous, and arrogant
Your head is so hollow there's enough room to rent
Little big man, so full of shit
Just shut up, you damn hypocrite
You lost your job because you're incompetent
Everybody hates you, your friends all came and went
The facade is getting old, we're hip to your charade
You mother has disowned you, your wife's out getting laid
Evicted from your condo, now you're living in a shack
Sitting on your ass shooting up and smoking crack
Now look in the mirror, and tell me what you see
A strung-out fucking junkie with a college degree
Nobody cares if you're alive or dead
We've had enough of being used and misled
No one's there to lend you a hand
You better help yourself, 'cause I hope you understand
Self-centered, back-stabbing egotist
Don't fuckin' ask for favors, 'cause you're on my blacklist
Saturday, 2 August 2008
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
A humanidade quer sempre mais e melhor. O que não é suficientemente bom, perde-se. É a lei da vida, a lei da evolução.
E se não somos suficientemente bons para sermos melhores?
Sunday, 27 July 2008
A rosa e o colibri
Um pequeno ser surge envolto nesse manto verde. É uma rosa. Vermelha como o sangue, palpitante com a Vida que a água lhe fornece, cresce esplendorosa, diferente de toda a seca paisagem que a rodeia. Um botão viçoso que quebra
Um zumbido aproxima-se. É um pequeno colibri, esverdeado, de olhos pequenos e negros. Esvoaça, aqui e ali, procurando algo. Até que repara na nobre rosa que brota da terra e se aproxima. Satisfaz a sua sede nas gotas de água existentes, e, encantado pela essência da rosa, decide aproximar-se. Chegando-se à flor, batendo as asas freneticamente, beija-a, e assim colhe o seu néctar. Era doce e viciante.
Por gosto ou por feitiço, o colibri passou a alimentar-se apenas do néctar daquela rosa. Todas as manhãs, o zumbido surgia do nada, no meio dos blocos de granito, e o colibri aproximava-se da rosa para a beijar uma e outra vez. O contagiante néctar alimentava-lhe não só o frágil corpo, mas também a alma. O pequeno colibri sentia-se cada vez mais ecstasiado pela flor, era-lhe imprescindível voltar lá todo e cada dia que passasse.
O tempo foi passado. O colibri voltava à rosa todos os dias, sem excepção. E de todas as vezes que lá ia, festejava-se no néctar sagrado que a flor lhe oferecia.
No entanto, a água começou a escassear. A mancha verde começou a perder o brilho de sempre. A rosa, outrora viçosa e colorida, começou a secar e a sofrer os efeitos da falta de energia, a energia que a água lhe fornecia. Como tal, também o néctar que produzia se transformou., tornara-se venososo. Agora, de cada vez que o colibri se alimentava, tomava veneno. Mas de tão enfeitiçado que estava, a pobre ave não conseguia resistir, e tornava a voltar à rosa todos os dias...
Até que um dia a rosa secou de vez e morreu. Em vão, o colibri tentou chegar ao seu interior, mas as pétalas secas já nada tinham para oferecer. Desesperado, o colibri continuou a esvoaçar em torno da flor e a tentar chegar ao seu objectivo, mas não havia nada a fazer. A morte tinha tomado conta daquele espaço, logo a partir do momento em que a água parou de correr.
Agora, o pequeno colibri enlouquecera, devido ao veneno que lhe corrompia o frágil corpo. Batia as asinhas em vão, de roda da rosa que outrora lhe fornecia toda a energia. Até que o veneno tomou conta da pequena ave, de uma vez por todas. O colibri caiu morto.
Os blocos de granito ainda lá estão. Este pedaço de terra, que outrora fora verde e resplandecia com vida, não passa de um pequeno charco seco, pútrido. Em breve, o dourado da seara há-de tomar conta deste recanto. Mas nunca a terra recuperará a sua vitalidade original.
Thursday, 24 July 2008
Sunday, 20 July 2008
Tuesday, 15 July 2008
When sea waves crush they hit me hard...
As I watch the crimson sunrise.
Another day, another night
Through the ever flowing time.
Today I will fall asleep alone again, with nothing but my cat to comfort me while Morpheus takes care of me. And then I'll wake up without you, again. How I wish I could wake up someday next to you, and just stare at your sleep, caressing your hair and smiling when you wake up... To hold on to you in a soothing hug during your troubled nights, like I did the other night... But now I see these are just vanishing thoughts. I will not be the one waking up next to you. I will not rejoice with your smile when waking you up with gentle good-morning kisses. You refused to take that path. But I respect that. I understand your feelings, even though they indeed hurt me. I offered you the world, but you refused it. You were too scared to accept it. I failed in showing you how could I be a safe haven for you. But I still love you.
Now, I face a greater challenge. To adapt this love to our new path. I hope to succeed, because I just couldn't stand being away from you. I love you, so I will change. Like you tried to change for me one day. But I know a part of me won't be able to change... I just hope that time will heal us. I just hope that my tears will dry soon. I just hope I'll make it through this changes. And most of all, I hope you will understand how I feel and help me mend myself, as I always did to you.
Não devia ter-te deixado entrar assim na minha vida, não devia. Mas não pude evitar. Entraste em mim por assalto e foi doce resistir. Agora se quiser expulsar-te não consigo. Perdi-me em ti, por descuido. Agora não me encontro sem ti. É o teu nome que grito silenciosamente nestas noites em que a dor se espalha por mim. Quando agarro os lençois desesperada é o teu rosto que desenho para me serenar...
Du är vacker *
Monday, 14 July 2008
Decadence - Labyrinth
What I’m looking for I am not sure
I want to get the fuck out of this place
Blocked by walls in front of my face
Where am I? Am I far from where I was?
I am already far and lost
Search for humanity, totally detached
Callously left to persist and last
Walking around, I can only see walls
Trapped inside long dark vicious halls
Help me! Why can’t anyone hear me?
Am I the only one hearing these calls?
I was here already before
I’ll go back but I won’t find the door
All from here is gone but me
No release from this never-ending labyrinth
I walk in my own footprints
I feel the cold winds, they blow in my face
Ensuring me, I walk towards the dead
But I’m lost, where am I to head?
Lead me to the exit door
I hear my steps on the cold empty floor
I am dying, I want to get out
It’s so silent, scares me to the core
Walking around, I can only see walls
Trapped inside long dark vicious halls
Help me! Why can’t anyone hear me?
Am I the only one hearing these calls?
I was here already before
I’ll go back but I won’t find the door
All from here is gone but me
No release from this never-ending labyrinth
No one from outside will come
I know, because you’re all gone
If you would be here you would have shown
That earth is not as cold as stone
I know you think I’m lost forever
You’re wrong, I’m stronger than ever
Spit before me and laugh with pride
I’m am stone cold and will forever stride
Walking around, I can only see walls
Trapped inside long dark vicious halls
Help me! Why can’t anyone hear me
Am I the only one hearing these calls?
I was here already before
I’ll go back but I won’t find the door
All from here is gone but me
Who will now set me free?
Sunday, 13 July 2008
Amon Amarth - Hermod's Ride To Hel
Ride for all you're worth
Faster then lightning,
To the dark realms of the world
Through valleys of darkness
On our way to Nifelheim
To the halls of Hel
Where my brother waits
Wailing voices on the wind
Urging me to turn
Distant tortured screams
Cold blue fires burn
I hear the sound of river Gjoll
Running cold and deep
It's a golden bridge shines in the dark
The bridge that Modgud keeps
Over the bridge, on through the night
Hel is getting near
There are the gates, towering high
Afflicting me with fear
In her hall, at the honor seat
My brother sits in pain
Pale and tortured Baldr greats
Bound by invisible frozen chains
The whole world mourns his death!
Please set Baldr free
Give him back his breath!
Thursday, 10 July 2008
Ah!, o medo... O meu maior medo eram os teus medos. E eles acabaram por tomar forma e por te engolir, e por me afastares de ti. Mas sinto que a culpa é minha.
Eu é que me lancei de cabeça, mesmo tendo em conta que sempre soube a profundidade da água para a qual saltava. Desculpa não te ter consigo mostrar a segurança que quero que sintas comigo. Sinto-me frustrado por não ter sido suficientemente forte para te conseguir mostrar isso. A minha força é a minha maior fraqueza.
Não te culpes. Foste honesta, e por isso te agradeço. Sempre te pedi que fosses honesta comigo. Acredita que não doi tanto desta forma. Apesar de tudo, continuo a gostar imenso de ti, e vou esperar por ti. Vou-te dar o tempo e o espaço que precisas, e vou confiar no que sentes por mim, para que tomes noção do que eu te poderei dar. Prometo.
Um beijo na testa,
(...) Don’t quit now your life isn’t over you still have much to live
Believe in faith and all the love that I know you want to give
Don’t fell on temptation oh love of mine awake from that nightmare of his
Believe in all you felt and all we’ve shared and in that last sweet kiss
My heart now bleeds and dark is the blood that drips from it
I crave for the warm kiss that I once could find in you thin red lips
I need to feel thy love in me and I need thy help
To guide my demons beyond the gates of hell
Believe in your guardian angel…I’ll be on your side
Please don’t let that demon make you cry
Let your hate go and reach for your love again
Remember that I will ease your pain
You know I need you, I know you need me, I wish for our immortal Love.
Sara Bonvalle
Monday, 7 July 2008
I fear your fears
Soul polluted with your past
All over you, pestilent vermin have bred
Enhancing your desire to be the shadow you cast.
I fear your fears as much as you do
They haunt me as well
Can we make them disappear?
Can we bid them farewell?
But still I trust your love
And I'll always urge for your kiss
Is it all we will have?
Or just another joy for us to miss?
Sunday, 6 July 2008
Sou o tipo de louco que carrega a arma com que o irão matar, e ainda a oferece a quem irá disparar o gatilho. Tenho em mim maior controlo do que a camisa de forças me pode controlar. Estou preso, mas dentro de mim sou livre. Por isso sou louco, por ser livre. Endoideço, por me libertar da minha prisão e por sorrir enquanto caminho para a execução. Entrego-me à tortura que aceito sem receio. O corpo pode não aguentar, mas o espírito é forte e nada o derrubará.
Confio cegamente no carcereiro. Ele é meu amigo. Ou me ajuda, ou premirá o gatilho. Qualquer uma das opções é benévola para mim. Ele é meu amigo. Confidencia-me os desabafos da sua vida, dos olhares que já viu desaparecerem pela sua mão, e sempre me avisa que um dia poderá chegar a minha hora. Ele é meu amigo.
Estou certo que, um dia, ele me irá libertar.
Saturday, 5 July 2008
Thursday, 3 July 2008
The dream
I don't want to live these dreams
I don't want to fall so deep
To where nothing is what it seems
Tonight we died
We embraced each other while embracing death itself
Finally we broke free and remain unchained
We abandoned our now empty shell
You told me you wanted to go
And I went after you as promised
But then you thought twice and said no
And remembered your reasons, so dreaded
You want what you most fear
And you're afraid to choose
Know that always, my dear
I won't let you loose.
"I will always be with you
I'm the anchor of your sorrow
'Cause I love you
I love you to death"
Estou sempre contigo *
Windir - Journey to the end
A sane man's worst nightmare,
A vision containing death,
As a wake in honor of himself,
For equal sane mortals,
It's a nightmare becoming real,
But I, I see it as the Final clause of a never ending deal,
I embraced my vision, as it was common for me,
A fate, a destiny, an inevitable early death
Finally I'm dead,
And the vision is revealed for everyone else
Tuesday, 1 July 2008
Monday, 30 June 2008
A journey through the underworld, part 1
It was the first week of the Shemu season.
The peasants started the harvest that day. That year, the great river provided his people with an aboundance of food. All granaries would be full and all people would be happy, for they had to fear famine no more. In some weeks, a grand festival would be held there, in the capital city of Avaris, and it will coincide with the Sed of our leader, Ramses The Great. The Gods will surely be proud and bless their Khemet sons. As the sun sets to the West, the marvelous temples shine with the touch of Re, the sunlight.
As the night falls, Seti returns home, to his riverside cottage, to his wife and children. Nefertari, his wife, is weaving linen on the flat roof, watching the sunset, while Khetti and Kya, the twins, played with Bast, the cat. As he enters, he places some incense in the house altar, dedicated to Ma'at, the Truth Goddess. It seemed to be the perfect day. The family had their evening meal, wild birds hunted by Seti himself on the river, with different fruits and wine. Then, as Nut embraced the sky and enticed everyone to sleep, something happened. All of them were asleep, lest for Seti and Bast. Both felt something strange happening. The altar, devoted to Ma'at, was shining in a blinding glow. The light was so strong Seti couldn't barely see at all. Then he heard a voice, calling him.
- Em-hotep, Seti! It is I, Ma'at, your goddess! I come to you with a quest.
- What trickery is this? What's happening? What dream is this?
- This is no dream, Seti. I appear to you with a sacred task for you to fulfill. Hear me and do what I demand you, you are destined to this. Although these seem to be very prosperous days, a greater danger is coming. Set, the god of vengeance, prepares a war between gods and mortals. His struggle with Osiris and Horus still goes on, and it's gaining epic proportions. All of the World balance is in danger. It is on my hand to prevent it, so that justice can prevail. But sometimes a god is so powerful that can be rendered useless. This is where you fit in.You were born under my command, to help me in situations like this one. You are no regular mortal, Seti. If you think backwards, you always had everything. I gave you that everything. Now it's time for you to return the favor and help me.
- But... what can an humble servant like me do to help a goddess like You? Indeed, all my life I felt honored and gifted by You, thus my devotion, but how can I have the power to stand between the gods?
- You will find out, in time. Your quest is to find Set, for now. You know where to find him.
- I don't! How can I find a god?! And if I find him, what will I do?!
- You will know it all in time. I must leave you now. I appreciate your help and know that you will be rewarded when it's all over.
- But..
Seti couldn't finish his phrase, as the goddess disappeared in a wink. The altar stopped glowing, and Seti was still astonished with what happened.
- How will I find Set? I don't know how can I make it happen...
Seti notices the Shu Feather laying in front of the altar.
- This wasn't a dream... She was really here! But I still have to think of how to find Set... tomorrow I'll go to the temple, perhaps a priest can help me.
Nefertari and his children were deeply asleep. He laid down, kissed his wife forehead and went to sleep.
The morning after, he went to the temple, in the capital city of Avaris. There he went to the master priest and told him about the vision of Ma'at and the sacred quest to find Set.
- You can't really just find a god, you know? Either they will appear to you, or you can summon them in one of their forms.
- What do you mean, oh grand priest?
- Set can assume many forms in this world. He's mostly represented by the black dog, the bestial hippopotamus or the great crocodile, among other forms. I'll ask my scribes for a papyrus containing the spell to call forth the god, but beware not to upset Him, or else you will suffer tragic consequences!
- Thank you noble priest. I shall go to the river and try to summon the god. Ankh wedja seneb!
- Ankh wedja seneb, Seti.
Seti passed through the temple's library, where he met the scribe. After getting the papyrus, he left towards the river. Wandering through the city, he got stopped by the Royal Guard and entwined in the mob.
- Halt! You can't pass here. Our almighty Pharaoh, Ramses the Great, will be passing in this avenue in a moment. You have to wait.
Ramses was going down the boulevard with all his court. Musicians, dancers, Royal Guards, slaves bearing statues of the Pharaoh and the gods, priests, all in an endless parade. The Pharaoh chariot, hauled by two beautiful black horses, was entirely made of gold, finely inscripted some protection prayers in hieroglyphs. His vests were made of the finest white linen, ornate with golden threads. His nemes, adorned with the double crown of the Serpent and the Vulture, was dyed in blue and yellow, symbol of the sun and the water. Closing the parade were thousands of war prisoners, captured during the Retenu campaigns against the Hitites, preceded by the treasures and war trophies. The might of the Egyptian nation was clearly shown, no one would stand above us.
After the parade passed by, the Royal Guard let the mob go to their lives again. Seti continued on his way down to the river. By the outskirts of the city, he could still see the pharaoh parade moving towards the palace.
The river was calm, flowing towards the great sea. Some fishermen passed by on their boats made of reeds. As Seti reached the riverbank, he could watch the birds flying and the luxurious vegetation flourishing nearby. He sat down by the shaduff, facing the horizon, and unwrapping the papyrus, which had been offered by the temple's scribe. Then he started summoning the dark god:
- Come oh glorious one; I have placed thee before me; that thou mayest come to me, and the deeds of thy ka's that thou mayest assume thy royal dignity, glorious in thy magic, mighty in thy strength. Come forth oh mighty one; show yourself before this humble mortal!
The sky then started to turn red. Dark clouds covered the sunlight and the river, once flowing calmly, now was agitated and nervous. A great crocodile rose from the waters and moved towards Seti. Its eyes were glowing in a red, demoniac bright. Seti was not afraid though. He trusted his goddess Ma'at and her Feather would protect him.
- I am Seti, sent from the goddess Ma'at! I demand you show yourself to me!
The great crocodile kept moving towards Seti and furious winds stormed the area.
- I do not fear you oh merciless one! I am blessed by the justice of Ma'at, you shall not harm me!
- Why are you summoning me, you pesky mortal?
The crocodile spoke in a hissing, thunderous sound, echoing in Seti's ears.
- I was sent by the great goddess Ma'at to find you. She sent me on this quest to help her retain the balance of the world. What do you want me to do for you oh dark one?
- You naive mortal... there is nothing you can do to prevent your fate to come true! This is not your war, mortal. Do not mess with divine affairs. Ma'at was a fool to send you to me, she should have known how useless you are!
Then, the spirit of Set, embowed by the crocodile body, attacked Seti and swallowed him whole. Screaming in agony, there was nothing Seti could do. He would just trust his beloved goddess to save him. Then he remembered the Shu Feather he was carrying. A feather might not be of much help against a 15 foot long crocodile, but he believed in his goddess and her magic. As he was swallowed, he stuck the Shu inside the crocodile, reaching for his heart.
- Be cast aside crocodile, spawn of Set! Be gone!
As the feather touched the crocodile's heart, the mighty beast spat out Seti and got blown away in a fiery turmoil. The winds kept raging on and the waters got even more tumultuous, as the irate god was angry. As the windstorm moved the sand, it started pilling up on a mound, shaping on a living image of the god. Seti was laying on the ground in front of the sand mound, terrified by what was happening.
- No mortal can ever threaten a god! You will regret this in the burning pits of Duat and this time your goddess will not save you!
Then, as the sand poured down on Seti, a wave, coming from the raging river, swept down all the sand. The water itself formed a living image of Ma'at.
- Step away oh dark one! This is no ordinary mortal and shall not die by thy hand! He his my chosen one and he shall live. No god has the right to kill a man without cause!
- It is you who I should kill! Why are your bringing our struggle to the mortal plane? There's nothing they can do about godly issues! And he is NOT your chosen one! You know it better than I do, wretched goddess!
- How dare you, demon?!
- How dare I?! How dare YOU! Gods should NEVER interfere in mortal affairs! Your divinity should not be wasted on human issues, you whore!
- Watch your tone with me! You will regret every single word you're saying!
Ma'at then stroke Set with a thunderbolt. Set fought back, and the two gods kept struggling against each other, ignoring the mortal beholding them. Seti watched the two gods fighting each other, and when the divine images clashed, he just ran through the riverbank to take cover. He couldn't believe he was the actual reason for a fight between the gods. Tired from running, he stopped in a reed marsh to recover his breath. Suddenly, an enormous hippopotamus rose up from the waters and moved ferociously towards Seti.
- You will not escape me, mortal! You'll pay for what you've done!
And then Seti was devoured by the hippo. No magical feather to save him this time, and no goddess to help him either. This would be his ending. But his errand was far from over...
Saturday, 28 June 2008
"If you jump, I jump..."
Sobe comigo à falésia. O sol está quase a pôr-se, vamo-nos sentar ali, naquele rochedo, a ver o grande astro descer sobre o eterno oceano. Será este o último pôr-do-sol a que assistimos?
Vamos escrever um último poema, juntos. Assinar o nosso pacto. Vamos escrevê-lo em sangue, para que a nossa memória e o nosso físico nunca se percam. Vamos tornar imortal e eterna a nossa cumplicidade. Vamos deixar uma última marca neste mundo. Uma última despedida.
Pouco importa se o poema será lido ou será esquecido. Pouco importa se reconhecerão o nosso valor ou não. A nossa imortalidade jaz a poucos passos do rochedo em que nos sentamos agora, e isso também não nos podem tirar.
Dizem que somos insanos, dementes, cobardes, coninhas, loucos, desistentes, fracos... Na verdade, não o somos. Temos a coragem de fazer o que muitos têm medo de sequer pensar.
É a hora. O sol mergulha no infinito oceano. O poema está terminado, escrito com o nosso sangue. Olho-te nos olhos e neles vejo certeza. Não choras, pois não estás em agonia. Pelo contrário. Estás feliz por terminar com a dor. Estás feliz por finalmente deixar o mundo que há muito te deixou a ti. Estás feliz por eu estar ali contigo e por saberes que te irei seguir na direcção da eternidade.
O silêncio. A brisa marinha. O resmalhar das ondas, na base da falésia. Não trocamos palavra nenhuma. O nosso olhar diz tudo o que precisamos de dizer um ao outro. O nosso beijo completa o que for preciso completar. Um último abraço, e apertas a minha mão. Fitamos o horizonte, será que o alcançaremos? E seguimos em frente.
O silêncio. Dois vazios que se preencheram mutuamente. Duas almas que abandonaram os seus respectivos corpos, agora tresmalhados pela água e pela rocha. Um poema preso num rochedo, que observou tudo o que se passou. O sol que mergulhou no grande mar azul e fechou mais um ciclo.
Agora sim, somos livres. Somos imortais. Somos eternos. Aqui nada nos magoa. Ninguém nos faz mal. Apenas nós existimos, e tudo o que nós queremos que exista. Temos paz. Temos tranquilidade. Temos tudo o que sempre quisemos. E isso ninguém nos tira.
O silêncio. A morte. O resmalhar das ondas do mar. E novamente o silêncio.
Thursday, 26 June 2008
Monday, 23 June 2008
Sem título.
"Não te prometo a felicidade eterna, apenas pequenas alegrias momentâneas."
E é tudo o que preciso. Um abraço, o teu sorriso, e fazes uma pessoa feliz. Fazes-me a mim feliz. No dia em que te quiseres abandonar, e me quiseres abandonar, lembra-te disso.
"Seize the day..."
Lembra-te disso. Deixa-me secar-te as lágrimas. Elas tiram-te o brilho dos olhos e distorcem-te o sorriso. Quebra as correntes que te aprisionam ao passado. Eu não as posso quebrar por ti, mas posso dar-te o martelo e o escopo para te libertares. Posso ajudar-te a colocar o escopo no sítio certo e ensinar-te a dar a pancada. Mas tens de ser tu a fazê-lo. Aceitas a minha ajuda? *
Feeling like shit.
You're afraid to bring me down. I won't let you. I believe you don't want to do so. I'll stretch my arm for you to catch it, and I won't leave you, even if you pull me down. I will not allow you to reach the misery other's left you in. I will not allow you to enter the dark, empty vortex. Don't make me go after you, because I will. And I will only rest when I pull you out to safety. Even if you push me in after I save you.
I found you here, now please just stay for a while
I can move on with you around
I hand you my mortal life, but will it be forever?
I'll do anything for a smile, holding you 'til our time is done
We both know the day will come, but I don't want to leave you...
So what if I never hold you, or kiss your lips again?
I never want to leave you, and the memories for us to see
I beg don't leave me...
Sunday, 15 June 2008
The beast and the poet
The poet. Deep eyes, deep soul. A world of peace to give. Ignored by most. Angel to some, demon to others. The betrayed. The sufferer. The miserable. Yet, the romanticist. The lover of Nature. The worshiper of Mother Earth. The honesty and respect. Where others have claws, he has words. Once a friend of the beast, until it's claws pierced harder than ever.
Now their paths are crossed again. The beast has gone too far this time. Deja-vu. He crushed the last of the poet's dreams and stomped it, over and over again. The wretched beast betrayed the poet once again. During his rage, he suffocated the poet and left him to die. There was nothing the poet could do besides lying on the cold, rock floor, and watch the beast go away, destroying every beautiful thing in his path.
This was the end of the poet. Forsaken by everyone, watching his hopes being wrecked.
But he shall return. The spirits of Mother Earth will not let him down. The beast will regret all he has done. The poet will heal, and when fully recovered, he will be as glorious as Nature itself, thanks to the Goddess. Once almost dead, soon he shall embrace immortality and rebuild all which was taken by the beast.
Thursday, 12 June 2008
Auto-destruição: uma carta para mim mesmo.
Wednesday, 11 June 2008
Desafio 7 Maravilhas
7 - Dormir: uma das minhas acções preferidas. Afundar-me de corpo e alma num sítio confortável e desligar o lado consciente do cérebro durante uma data de horas, para depois estar pronto a aproveitar as restantes seis maravilhas.
6 - Natureza: há algo mais belo que o elegante gato a ronronar? Que o rio que eternamente flui e arrasta consigo bocados de Tempo? Que um céu iluminado pela Lua e pontilhado de estrelas? Mergulhar no silêncio do oceano e vendar os sentidos, restando apenas a sensação de leveza proporcionada pela água?
5 - Internet: o que é que não podemos fazer através da rede global? Quase nada!
4 - Abraços: dos maiores confortos que tenho, é poder cair nos braços de alguém que me aperta e me faz sentir bem. Free Hugs ftw!
3 - Comida: um dos grandes prazeres que tenho é apreciar uma boa refeição, de preferência cozinhada por mim e saboreada em boa companhia. Sentir todos os aromas, texturas e sabores, ao invés de simplesmente nos alimentarmos.
2 - Sexo: os belos prazeres da carne e da alma, que daquí provêm. Um hedonismo que subsiste em todos nós, por muito púdicos que sejamos. Gosto imenso de sexo, e não tenho problemas em dizê-lo. Desde que seja concensual, vale tudo.
1 - Sem sombra de dúvidas, a Música! Considero a música a mais alta (literalmente, ahah!) forma de expressão artística humana. Há músicas para toda a gente, para todos os gostos, para todos os estados de espírito, e não conheço ninguém que não goste de música. Uma das maiores alegrias que tenho é a de estar num concerto, vendo as bandas de que gosto e simplesmente a deixar-me levar pelo som.
Passo agora o desafio à minha afilhada Lilith e à minha cara amiga Nadja (:
Alcest - Souvenirs d'un autre monde
Les secondes deviennent des heures,
Les années de courts instant sitôt envolés
Et nos mots trompeurs sont remplacés
Par la musique et les couleurs
Qui flottent comme des parfums dans l'air ambré
N'aie crainte, à présent tout est fini
Brise les chaînes de tes peurs mortelles
Pour à jamais en être libéré
Et retrouver la quiétude passée.
N'aie crainte, à présent tout est fini
Laisse couler tes larmes une dernière fois
Pour à jamais en être libéré
Et rejoins le monde d'où tu viens.
Tuesday, 10 June 2008
Palavras entaladas na garganta
Em primeiro lugar, sinto-me culpado pelo motivo de sempre. Quero algo, e esse algo é fazer alguém feliz, e por algum motivo, faço o contrário e deixo alguém mal. Juro que não fiz nada por mal. Juro que não te quis disputar, qual troféu que não és, por muito valor que tens. Mas sei que, ainda que involuntariamente, o fiz. Não fui só eu, é certo, mas não me quero descartar de culpas. Estou a ser o que sempre fui, sincero e directo.
Tu atrais-me, é certo. Mas não é só o teu corpo que me seduz. São os teus olhos, e o brilhante cérebro que tens por detrás deles, e todo a mística que te envolve o espírito e me desperta curiosidade, me cativa. É certo que ainda mal te conheço, mas espero que o Tempo me venha a surpreender pela positiva, e desse modo te possa surpreender a ti pela positiva.
Surpresas pela negativa, já tu tiveste muitas, demasiadas até. E essas más vivências cobrem-te, como o musgo e o bolor cobrem uma árvore, sufocando e envolvendo cada superfície e penetrando no interior. Por muito que te recuses, por medo, por falta de confiança, pelo teu passado, tu precisas de alguém que raspe todo esse musgo e bolor do teu espírito.
Uma vez disseste-me: "O suicida é aquele que corta a garganta enquanto grita por socorro". Já tentaste cortar a tua, mas ouviram o teu grito de socorro a tempo. No entanto, ainda hoje em dia, esse grito ecoa. Ecoa no teu ser, na tua escrita, reflecte-se no teu olhar. Posso não ser aquele por quem tu chamas, e certamente não serei, mas eu ouvi esse eco. E esse é mais um motivo que me faz querer estar a teu lado, não por pena, mas porque te respeito e admiro, como já te disse.
Não me interpretes mal, eu não quero ser "mais um". Pelo contrário, quero sobretudo que sejamos os amigos que o Tempo ainda não nos permitiu ser. Quero que sejas aquela irmã que nunca tive. Não ambiciono nada mais do que poder ajudar-te a raspar o musgo e o bolor que te corrói. Quero apenas abraçar-te, beijar-te a testa e mostrar-te que podes contar comigo. E quero, acima de tudo, que te respeites, e respeitar-te.
O que o futuro nos reserva não sei, mas não quero saber por enquanto. Quando chegar a altura logo saberemos. Afinal de contas, Verita Filia Temporis.
Agora que consegui dizer-te tudo o que queria, resta-me esperar. E nisso sou eu bom, a esperar.
Um beijo na testa,